What is the Widow’s Mite Report?

This is a volunteer collaboration which aims to increase basic understanding about the finances of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, given low financial transparency and limited sources that are scattered over time. Through an increasingly crowdsourced effort, we seek to compile, link, reconcile and analyze all known sources of Church financial information and then present that information in a format that is easy to understand.

All of our reports are intended to be as verifiable as possible by relying only on public information. Every estimate in our reports is reviewed for reasonableness by experienced finance professionals. The project has benefitted from many anonymous thoughtful & skilled contributors.

Where can I find your data sources?

All of our sources are in the public domain and are listed at the end of each report. A complete list of sources used for research and construction of project models is found here.

What if I see an error or know about a public source you missed?

Please reach out. No critical analysis is too small or harsh to be considered for revisions. Every overlooked source will be carefully evaluated and reconciled. Models & reports will be updated accordingly, where appropriate, and the new links or references will be added to our list of sources.

Can I send you confidential documents or financial information?

No. Do not leak confidential documents to us. Doing so is dishonest and potentially illegal.

Can I donate to your project, or help in some other way?

No monetary donations are accepted. The project is a voluntary public service. If you have relevant subject matter expertise (finance, accounting, investment analysis, economics, non-profit law, study of current & historic Church finances and financial policies) and are interested in contributing, please reach out. Since all contributions of research & analysis are verified, reviewed and refined by multiple volunteers, no public recognition will be given (and you will never be asked to share personal information).

Main Page: https://widowsmitereport.wordpress.com

Feedback, including critical analysis, questions and links to overlooked sources, may be sent to the.widows.mite.report at gmail dot com

List of Sources
(Links to all known sources related to Church finances)

Frequently Asked Questions

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